Amazing Facts about strawberry

• Strawberries are a member of the rose family. (So instead of 

Roses, give Strawberries next valentine's day!)

• Strawberries are the only fruit with seeds on the outside. 

Strawberries are the first fruit to ripen in the spring.

• There is a museum in Belgium just for Strawberries.

• 27th February is celebrated as Strawberry day

• In medieval times, Strawberries were served at important 

functions to bring peace & prosperity.

• Folk lore states that if you split a double strawberry in half and 

share it with the opposite sex, you'll soon fall in love.

• Strawberries have long been associated with love and 

flirtation. In France, Strawberries were thought to be an 

aphrodisiac. A soup made of Strawberries, thinned sour 

cream, borage, & powered sugar was served to newlyweds.

•Over 53 percent of seven to nine-year-olds picked 

Strawberries as their favorite fruit.

• If all the Strawberries produced in California in one year were 

laid berry to berry, they would go around the world 15 times.

• Native American Indians called Strawberries "heart-seed 

berries" and pounded them into their traditional corn-meal 

bread. Discovering the great taste of the Native Americans 

bread, colonists decided to create their own version, which 

became an American favorite that we all know and love .. 

Strawberry Shortcake.

• Eating Strawberries, which are rich in nitrate, can increase the 

flow of blood & oxygen to the muscles by 7%. This prevents 

muscle fatigue, making exercise easier. In a test, subjects 

who ate nitrate rich foods like Strawberries, before exercising 

burned 100 more calories than those who did not.

• If you're expecting a baby, you'll be very interested in some 

of the new discoveries about folic acid. In fact, 8 Strawberries 

have 20% of the folic acid you need every day.

• Strawberries, as part of a 5 a day fruit & vegetable program, 

can help reduce the risk of cancer & heart attacks.

• Strawberry juice combined with honey will reduce inflammation 

or sunburn. Rub the mixture thoroughly into the skin before 

rinsing off with warm water and lemon juice.

• We're all smiles - did you know Strawberries can help whiten 

your teeth? The acids in the fruit help to remove stains.

• Can Strawberries prevent memory loss? Yes, according to 

researchers at Harvard's Brigham and Woman's Hospital. 

In a study published in the Annals of Neurology, berries — 

including Strawberries — can delay cognitive impairments by 

up to 2.5 years.